Ideal for: Steel, free cutting steel, tool steel, non-ferrous metals, stainless steel
Suitable for: Aluminium, magnesium, brass
- Low life-cycle costs, as there is no need to replace filter material - Cleaning without interruption in filtration - Precision chip removal based on principle of surface filtration - Top-quality asymmetric filter medium made from multiple sintered stainless steel mesh on sturdy support body - Process safety thanks to efficient filter cleaning - Solid construction and high-grade materials for prolonged service life - Low liquid loss during cleaning process - Segment-based filter cleaning with powerful backwashing pulse - Specification of actual filter size and nominal chip removal rate - Integrated preliminary chip removal by means of tangential inflow and immersion tube - Material combinations for wide range of applications - Low-maintenance design
- Preliminary chip removal in interstitial strainer/basket strainer > 2 mm or chip conveyor - Applications: Drilling, milling, turning - Medium: 8 - 32 mm²/sec - Rated flow rate: 60 - 80 l/min for steel machining
We recommend using only filtered oil in the machine. At particle loads of more than 200 mg/l, the oil should be cleaned first in a separate filtration unit. As a rule, the total particle load of the oil should not exceed 200 – 300 mg/l. For retrofitting, the entire cooling lubricant system must be cleaned of all chips and fine xxx dirt particles.

Automatic back flush filter

